The Community Computer Center directorate’s role was redefined by the Revised Treaty of 1993 which assigned it a cross-cutting operational framework to enable it serve as a catalyst in all sectors of integration. Furthermore, CCC’s roles are also drawn from the ECOWAS’ Regional Strategic Goals and Objectives.
Basically, the responsibilities of the CCC with regards to the Community’s programmes and projects impacting Institutions and Member States are:
- Enhance the technical and analytical skills of staff in all relevant areas in order to create knowledge-based ECOWAS Institutions.
- Put in place a result-based management system in all areas, particularly in procurement, asset management, general administration, human resources, finance, budgeting, conferences, information technology, and communication.
- Improve management systems (especially corporate governance, business processes and workflow) and encourage team work.
- Upgrade and update existing facilities to a world class enterprise information system for enhanced informed exchange and productivity.
- Enhance skills and competences for operationalizing result based management in programming, monitoring and evaluation.
- Capacity building programs to promote the exchange of information and establishment of community data networks and databanks with a view to improving the quality of life of the ECOWAS community and its Member States and Citizens.
- Coordinate and establish ICT development projects.